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4 Ways Speeding Causes Car Accidents and Injuries

Even the most cautious drivers have moments where they end up disregarding the posted speed limit. Whether it happens just for a few seconds on the New Jersey Turn pike because a driver inadvertently sped up, for a few minutes while someone hurries to get to work on time after oversleeping, or on a daily basis as a habit, speeding is illegal and dangerous. This negligent behavior contributes not only to car accidents, but the resulting injuries and fatalities. Here are the reasons speeding is so risky, and why it’s important to obey posted speed limits and avoid driving faster than New Jersey’s prima facie speed limits.

  • Higher Speed Means Less Control
    Higher vehicle speeds increase forces on a vehicle as it maneuvers on the road, but every car has a breaking point. Speeding can result in taking curves too quickly and rolling a vehicle over, crashing into roadside or construction barriers, or overcorrecting and unintentionally swerving into oncoming lanes of traffic. These mistakes can be deadly not only for a speeding driver but for everyone on the road with them.
  • More Speed Means You Need More Time and Distance
    The laws of physics apply when driving; this means when a car travels at a certain speed, its size and momentum require a minimum possible time and distance to stop. The faster the speed a vehicle moves, the longer and farther drivers require in order to stop it. In the real world, this means a speeding driver might not be able to avoid debris in the road or driver who suddenly stops in front of them before an accident occurs.
  • Higher Speed Often Means Greater Injury
    Greater speeds generate greater force and more severe impact when crashes occur. This often translates into more serious injuries for everyone involved. High speed accidents may kill people on the spot from impact alone. For people lucky enough to survive, it’s possible to sustain brain injuries, spinal cord and neck injuries, and broken bones. Injuries often result from the crash itself or from impact with a window, steering wheel, windshield, or even from the force of being restrained by a seat belt.
  • Speed May Affect Vehicle Safety Features
    Though vehicles are designed for optimum safety and offer numerous features such as safety belts, antilock brakes, and airbags which are extensively tested for effectiveness, they can only do so much. If a car is traveling too quickly these devices may not have time or the ability to work as designed.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer Today

When a speeding driver causes a car accident and injures you, it’s only natural you want compensation for the harm their negligent behavior inflicted on you. To hold a motorist responsible for their poor conduct behind the wheel and fight for the maximum amount of damages possible, get in touch with the experienced New Jersey personal injury lawyers at Sarofiem & Antoun LLC. Our attorneys have years of experience fighting for victims like you to get justice and securing successful outcomes on our clients’ behalf. To schedule your no-cost, risk-free initial consultation, contact us 24/7 at (201) 792-3333 We are here to answer your question, discuss your options, and help you get started on the road to recovery today.

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