Nobody expects to get involved in a car wreck; that’s why they’re called “accidents.” Even though drivers don’t intend for a car accident to happen, the reality is that usually bad driving behavior by at least one motorist was to blame for most of New Jersey’s 278,413 annual collisions. Some behaviors are more common than others, so it’s important to avoid them yourself and be on the lookout for other drivers exhibiting them.
Even the most cautious drivers have moments where they end up disregarding the posted speed limit. Whether it happens just for a few seconds on the New Jersey Turn pike because a driver inadvertently sped up, for a few minutes while someone hurries to get to work on time after oversleeping, or on a daily basis as a habit, speeding is illegal and dangerous. This negligent behavior contributes not only to car accidents, but the resulting injuries and fatalities. Here are the reasons speeding is so risky, and why it’s important to obey posted speed limits and avoid driving faster than New Jersey’s prima facie speed limits.
Whiplash is one of the most common injuries people suffer following a car or truck accident in New Jersey. But many victims don’t realize just how varied this soft tissue injury can be and often ignore important signs and symptoms. Generally speaking, whiplash occurs when a sudden impact causes your head to overly and unnaturally extend forward and back, straining the muscles and tendons.
Truck driver’s drive on long haul runs across the country and this makes them susceptible to falling asleep at the wheel. What this means is that a sleepy (or asleep) truck driver at the wheel is in or out of control of a very dangerous heavy vehicle. A truck that has a driver who has fallen asleep can be a lethal machine on the highways and roads of this country.
Loss of consortium is a claim that is made by a spouse, when the other spouse is injured in an accident and cannot continue sexual relations in the marriage. It is based on the wrongful conduct of one party to another, and is put into use when one spouse is feeling the effects of pain and suffering, and the marriage is affected.